Customized Subliminal

Ditch The Generic Affirmations- Supercharge Your Mindset with Customized Subliminal

Owing to the complexity of the human mind, and the increasing requirements of our “needs,” generic subliminal audio might not suffice our necessities anymore. Those simple positive affirmations of self-belief and good health won’t cater to the advancements of our neediness!

So, what’s the solution then? Well, it’s customization! Think about it. If you are allowed to make your own subliminal, it can’t get any better, right?!

Well, you can! And that is what this blog is all about! So, let’s not waste any more time, and take a deep dive into the interesting world of subliminal customization.

How Can I Customize Subliminal Messages?

You may think that it’s not easy to customize subliminal, given these are low-frequency soundwaves embedded on soothing instrumental or natural soundscape backdrops. And this mind block has led you to invest in different subliminal messages to cater to a range of issues that you want to conquer.

To tell you the truth, customizing subliminal is not as difficult as it is inside your head! Any subliminal audio requires two very crucial elements to form.

  • A soothing music or relaxing backdrop of natural soundscapes.
  • Short, and crisp messages of affirmation.

Once you’ve got the hang of this, all you need to do is choose some positive affirmations, record them on a good device, and combine them with an instrumental soundscape/ natural soundscape.

And boom! Your customized subliminal message is all set to make you charge up and bring new waves of confidence and positivity!

Things To Consider While Customizing Subliminal

Now that you know how to make your subliminal messages, let’s take a look at certain things that you need to consider to make your customized audio worthwhile-

One step at a time

You might have a range of requirements. However, it can’t all be catered to simultaneously! So, take the step-wise approach, and make a list of what you require the most. After that, set your personalized messages to each of your requirements. Just remember, that the things you’re noting down are what you’re going to have to listen to!

Write short and crisp affirmations

Lengthy affirmations have a low to no success rate! So, try to keep your personalized messages short, crisp, and to the point. The shorter the whole message is, the deeper will it be able to impact on your subconscious and vice versa. Also, keep separate messages for separate requirements for an enhanced impact!

Use a Good Recorder

For the messages to hit your subconscious, it needs to have a particular level of clarity. So, while recording the affirmations, make sure to use a good recorder for the sake of clarity. Remember, with higher recording quality, comes a clearer recording, and therefore helps to hit the subconscious mind hard!

Esteemed organizations offer endless customization options when it comes to subliminal messages. So, you know where to go now for personalized motivations!

Why Customize When You Have Options?

There are a lot of subliminal audio options available across the internet. So, what’s the need to customize when you can just buy separate subliminal for your needs?

Well, there are three reasons to counter this-


Buying separate subliminal means, you have to invest more than what you are currently doing. This adds up to your total cost, and might exceed your subliminal-specific budget!

Affirmation Quality

The generic subliminals audio with its affirmations might not impact your subconscious effectively. Rather, coming up with your affirmations might help hit your subconscious effectively and efficiently.


It might happen that the soundscapes of the subliminal audio you bought are not intriguing your senses enough! Customizing subliminal allows you the freedom to choose your affirmations as well as the backdrop soundscapes. This ultimately results in maximizing the efficacy.

To Conclude

If you are someone who understands your requirements and what might affect you the most, it’s far better choice for you to make your own subliminal rather than buying them. This results in maximum impact and supercharges your subconscious with positivity and self-awareness.

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